Friday, August 15, 2008

Assertiveness Skills

Assertiveness Skills

Assertiveness is a way of thinking and behaving that allows a person to stand up for his or her rights while respecting the rights of others. Nonassertive people may be passive or aggressive. Passive individuals are not committed to their own rights and are more likely to allow others to infringe on their rights than to stand up and speak out. On the other hand, aggressive persons are very likely to defend their own rights and work to achieve their own goals but are also likely to disregard th

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hollywood Gossip Exclusive: Ex-Girlfriend of Simon Monjack Reveals Dark Side of Thief, Pathological Liar

Hollywood Gossip Exclusive: Ex-Girlfriend of Simon Monjack Reveals Dark Side of Thief, Pathological Liar

A tremendous con-artist. A notorious fraud. A pathological liar and thief. A man with outstanding warrants for his arrest, who has faced deportation as well as myriad financial problems. Simon Monjack, a.k.a. Con-Jack, has been accused of all this and more by our readers since he secretly wed actress Brittany Murphy in May. But for all the rumors floating around [...]